August 1, 2024

Great news!! We know why mom feels like crap.  And mom says it is really good news she feels like crap.  

Mom went to Dr. Iyer yesterday.  He is the kidney doctor.  Mommy's left kidney wasn't working before surgery and her right wasn't working much.  He was so excited that while in surgery, the doctors all watched as mommy's left and right kidneys both made urine,sent it down the tubes and into her bladder.  He said this is very good news. He even clapped while saying “ yes! Very good news!”

But mommy still feels icky.  He said that mommy's kidneys and other systems weren't working well and now are working really REALLY well.  Because of that, her body has to settle down and find normal.  Until then, mommy is going to feel yucky.   But the good news is mommy feels yucky because everything is trying to work.  

Mommy needs to be eating and resting. Mommy is eating because she needs to not because she wants to.  Oh.... for all her nurse friends who were guessing how much weight she would lose, i hope you picked a big number.  A big number.  

I did enjoy my car rides today.  We left the house at 11am for mom's doctor's appointment and didn't get home until 2:38pm.  

Don't worry. I tucked mommy in bed as soon as we got home.

Have a favorite toy day!


PS: look closely at my picture.  Mommy tipped the seat back as far as it would go to give more room.  If i sleep with my butt on the back part of the seat, it is a much better ride


August 1, 2024 Later


July 31, 2024