August 4, 2024

Lets talk about Mom.  She had a better day today and i made sure she rested and took a nap.  Ok, so i peaked as i was about to fall asleep and saw she was closing her eyes too. 

She goes to see Dr. Roberts on Monday for her first surgery follow up.  Mom has several surgery follow ups.  Mom is hoping to get an idea of when she can go back to work.  Dad told her there would be none of that anytime soon.   He reminded mom that she had complicated major abdominal surgery and she will be healed before thinking about working again.  Mom knows this.  She does.  She just misses everyone.   

I am praying mom's appointment goes well tomorrow and that she is infection free.  Please say big prayers for her.  

Hmmmm why do people say little prayer? Heck we need big, no joke prayers!  Ask for big prayers!

It is past my bedtime,



August 7, 2024


August 3, 2024